Clean Eats?

So, if you are following my journey…you have seen more and more about “clean” eating/meals/etc. The jist is that the foods considered clean are not (or VERY minimally) processed – with no added sugars, salt, or preservatives.  It’s not as hard to eat clean as you may think, which is why I’ve begun posing some of the recipes that I have begun incorporating into my journey. Not every canned good is un-clean, and not every “healthy” food is clean.

If you are interested in the basics – AND a great Clean Eating 101 quick spin-up, check out The Gracious Pantry.  This site has single handedly helped me begin to transform my food choices.  There are also TONS of  easy recipes.   Things like Skillet spaghetti, chocolate brownies won me over. YUM-OH!!! Of course, there are lots of other resources, but this site is so comprehensive…and the writing is smart & funny…and the foods are deliciously presented that it makes it easy for me to WANT to eat something clean.

I hope this will give you some food for thought. Gotta start somewhere, right?!?!?

And AS A REMINDER: NO amount of working out, weight lifting, running, etc…can compensate for a bad DIET!! This article is a MUST READ!! —->!

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