

Better believe it!


Recipe update: new refrigerator oatmeal flavor combo’s


You know what this means…

You can find the base recipe for the no-cook refrigerator oatmeal HERE, along with some other additional flavors HERE.

This latest batch was on the fly, as the others have been.  And I’ve used what I already have on hand in my pantry.  And other flavor suggestions are appreciated!!!!  As a reminder: the use of flavored extracts is a personal preference to boost flavor and is not required.

PB & J (edited**)

photo 2

  • 2 TBSP NATURAL  Peanut butter (**after trying the PB2 in this recipe – I think conventional PB will lend more flavor & texture to THIS particular recipe)
  • 1/4 cup of mixed berries (or any berry, really)
  • splash of strawberry extract



Cherry-Choco Chip

photo 3

  • 1 TBSP cocoa powder
  • 1/4 cup cherries (I use frozen – NO SUGAR ADDED)
  • 1 TBSP chocolate chips



Banana Nutter-Butter

photo 4

  • 1/2 thin sliced banana
  • cinnamon (to taste)
  • 2 TBSP Chocolate PB2  Powdered Peanut Butter (you can use the plain peanut flavor, or conventional natural PB)
  • banana extract
  • 1 TBSP chopped walnuts



Crunchy Peanut Butter Cup (not pictured)

  • 1 TBSP cocoa powder
  • 2 TBSP Chocolate PB2  Powdered Peanut Butter (you can use the plain peanut flavor, or conventional natural PB)
  • natural/organic chopped peanuts (unsalted/NO SUGAR ADDED)

Recipe: Banana Spice Walnut Protein Shake

downloadSuper Easy, Super Yummy – Filling & Fulfilling!

  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 banana
  • 1 TBSP PB2 Peanut Butter Powder (regular PB is just fine!)
  • All spice, nutmeg, or cinnamon (to taste)
  • 1 TBSP walnuts
  • 1 cup of milk (your choice – I use almond/coconut)
  • blend!


I FINALLY FOUND IT!! (I mean, I could always use 100% pure maple syrup, but I happen to love the rich flavor of agave. Can’t wait to see how this adds some depth to my fridge oatmeal!)



Recipe: Refrigerator Oatmeal (YOU WILL THANK ME!)


*editors note: I’ve create some new flavors of this wonderfully good stuff!* 

So I’d been hearing alot about the phenomenon of this “no cook” refrigerator oatmeal and there had been numerous posts on FB over the past few weeks & I decided to give it a go. (Google it for more info & recipe ideas)  I must say I am TOTALLY hooked on this stuff!!  It may sound odd, or seem weird, but the idea of pre-planning & pre-prepping (if you will) is a MUST for me to stay on course.

I’ve included the base recipe I use, as well as the different variations that I created based on what I already had in the kitchen. You’ll need small Mason jars or containers. 1 for each flavor you will make. I used small size/single serving plastic containers.



Base recipe:

1/4 cup old fashioned oats (NOT quick/instant)

1/4 cup no fat Greek yogurt (preferably PLAIN)

1/4 cup milk (whatever you have on hand – I use almond, almond-coconut blend, or rice milk)

1 TBSP chia seed (more info on this SUPER FOOD here)

1 TBSP organic agave nectar (organic honey or pure maple syrup will work just fine)

*please note: the use of flavored extracts is a personal preference to boost flavor and is not required*

I didn’t really measure anything after that, so I’m giving you the basics…


(I updated my initial go at it because it was THAT good. Used coconut flakes in place of the extract I used the first time)

  • cocoa powder (about 1 TBSP)
  • coconut flakes (OR extract or BOTH – about 2 TBSP)
  • 100 calorie pack of cocoa roast almonds (plain old almonds is fine!)


  • mixed berries (fresh or frozen – about 1/2 cup)
  • strawberry extract


  • no sugar added dried cherries (about 2 TBSP)
  • shelled pistachios (about 1 TBSP)
  • raspberry extract (to taste)


  • peaches (fresh or frozen – about 1/2 cup)
  • 100 calorie pack of almonds & walnuts
  • almond extract (to taste)


  • apples (diced – about 1/2 cup)
  • raisins (or dried cranberries NO SUGAR ADDED or BOTH – about 2 TBSP)
  • cinnamon (to taste)
  • 100 calorie pack of almonds & walnuts

Will be trying as many different flavor combos of this as I can.  The possibilities are TRULY endless!

Beast Mode!

C25k week 2 done. Slow & Steady progress: 1.5 miles in under 30 minutes. Feels good to run again. I just have to Mind the Meniscus, lest I end up on the bench (again)



[what’s the] Hold Up?!?!?!



I’m guilty.
I’m a procrastinator.
I do my best work under pressure. *lol*


But as is turns out…procrastinating where my health is concerned has not bode well for me.

Or for anyone, really….has it?

In fact, I’ve been trying to pen a this particular blog for a long time now, and nothing materialized. Mainly, because I wanted to make sure I was able to write coming from a personal place of reflection, and place of encouragement… not discouragement. Then today, when I saw this link posted on a forum about the world’s biggest hips….it gave me pause. *sigh*


Everything came rushing forth, and now I’m trying to capture it in words the best way I know how. Now, some may call me a “fat basher” (how THAT happened is beyond me) or think “Oh, now she’s lost some weight she thinks she’s better than everyone else”.

To you sir/madame I say: HAVE SEVERAL SEATS!

Anyone who REALLY knows me knows that couldn’t be further from the truth. Please understand: I am FAT. I will most likely ALWAYS be fat/overweight (by medical standards). I still relate to EVERYTHING as a FAT person. Weight loss or not. I’m coming from the perspective of HEALTH, and some of the bull$h!t that keeps fatties like me in bondage.


100 pounds of FAT
(I’ve lost this much, give or take 5 pounds)


Don’t like the word Fat?  OK.

How’s Obese?

There’s a sexy word for you


Don’t like that one?


How about Morbidly Obese?

Oooooh, That hawtttttttt.


Let’s just call a spade a spade, shall we?


In some instances, the terms Big, Plus-Size (which technically can be anything starting at a size 12/14), Fluffy, Voluptuous, Large, etc. just ain’t gonna cut it.  My realization of that happened here, 3 years ago. (incidentally, between my decision to have WLS and the actual surgery, I put on another almost 20 pounds in cupcakes, but that’s neither here nor there…)


For over 2 decades, I fell into the “morbidly obese” category. Yet didn’t give it a second thought other than “You look pretty good for a Big Girl! Go head, Hot Stuff!” I was comfortable in my skin. Until I wasn’t. Litterally…

Get it?


I was tired of the fat struggle. And if I can be totally honest, the ONLY reason I didn’t deal with my weight sooner is because I was afraid of losing my “womanly curves” that I had had been known to love, embrace, even promote…etc., etc., etc.. Now I’m beginning to see how this “embrace” lead me down a road of denial…thereby helping me also ultimately “embrace” an early meeting with my Maker.


I’ve since  learned that my shape, is my shape… *shrug* and my figure is only more pronounced because I’ve lost some of the extra padding, and it appears as though I have more “curves” than ever. Go figure. And NO: I’m Not. at. ALL saying that a healthy self image is a bad thing, or that confidence can’t or shouldn’t be owned at any shape/size. HOWEVER, there comes a point when loving/embracing your “curves” can become a crutch, or downright denial about the health aspect of carrying around so much weight — and the risks associated with it.


**editor’s note: I am not implying that all overweight people are inactive, lazy, unhealthy – OR that all average size /”healthy looking” people are healthy**


That said – I still have some fear about my final resting place (ie: my weight goal number on the scale). What will I look like at 175? Will I look sick? Like a bobble-head doll? Will I look like I’m on ‘that stuff’? Will I still be sexy/attractive?

Pish-tosh, I say! And Who care’s really? (and for real, FOR REAL? I felt more confident before the weight loss. But I PHYSICALLY felt like death warmed over. That’s another blog, though. I’m sure there is one to that effect in the archives here *lol*)

I honestly think it may be that exact ingrained thinking -the fear of how I will look to other people (or maybe even myself) that has led me to some self-sabatoge along this journey. It is a DAILY struggle. The more I lose, the less confident I feel – which makes NO sense to me! I guess because this – this body, this journey – are all new territory for me. That’s IF I’m honest about it.


So, how about THAT?


Bottom line though, weight loss/lifestyle change/etc. can’t be…and I mean CAN. NOT. BE…. A VANITY ISSUE. Stepping outside of your comfort zone (mentally, physically) CAN NOT deter you, lest your health continues to perish. And your earthly vessel will surely follow suit. Literally…


It took me about a year after having bariatric surgery to really get the nutrition/LIFESTYLE portion of it stuck in my head. Sure, I “knew” what needed to be done. And I did it “sometimes”. Because like most who have had a surgical intervention for weight loss, you know the weight sorta kinda just comes off on it’s own the first year. BUT. If you do NOT change your thought process and RELATIONSHIP STATUS with food in the process, it will all ultimately be for naught. Whatever progress has been made will stop… And there you are – stuck on stupid (as I have found myself on more than one occasion). THIS IS NOT JUST A STATEMENT GEARED TOWARDS THOSE WHO HAVE HAD WLS. IT’S FOR ANY/EVERYONE WHO IS STRUGGLING WITH THEIR WEIGHT AND SERIOUS ABOUT DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THEIR HEALTH. That’s really what this is all about.


You (*I*) will (*would*) FAIL if you (*I*) do (*did*) NOT CHANGE your (*my*) THOUGHTS ABOUT and RELATIONSHIP WITH food. There is no way around that.


So, question is, again: what’s the hold up? Da’he!! are you waiting for?

Seriously? What are you afraid of?


This isn’t some ole’ New Year’s Resolution malarkey. *I’m* just tired of making excuses for myself. Making excuses because of the curve balls life has thrown me the past year. Yes, I’ve lost a huge amount of weight. BUT, according to “The Charts” at my height & weight, my BMI says I’m still [technically] obese. *pfft* NO BUENO. (not even poquito!)




I could…make 1000 of them. Legit. *straightface* I’ve had more than enough setbacks to warrant me saying “You know what? Eff it. This is the weight I’m supposed to be…” be okay with it, and keep it moving. BUT I REFUSE to QUIT.




LOSE [this fight. only weight. for the betterment of my HEALTH]

There is, however, a bright side: though I haven’t really lost ANYTHING over the past year, I’ve maintained my weight loss like a champ. I’m more physically active than I’ve EVER been in my life. I make much better daily choices as my nutrition is concerned. I enjoy being a pseudo athlete and competing in 5k’s as such. And I know that’s all nothing to sneeze at.


But for me…MY PERSONAL GOAL was (still IS) to lose a total of 140 pounds – breaking me OUT of the OBESE category – by utilizing bariatric surgery as a tool. Anything less than that, I feel like I had the surgery for nothing…


SO, now that I’m back to working out regularly…everything is falling [back] into place. I get a lot of comments/sidebars/inboxes/texts of encouragement, questions, etc…but the thing I get the MOST of is people saying that I’m too hard on myself. I get it, y’all. And I am. SUPER hard on myself…because if I was harder on myself to begin with with, I wouldn’t have needed the surgery to begin with. #truthspeak! So, I have to be…lest I find myself back in a size 24 gasping for air every time I have to go up a flight of stairs, struggling to get in/out of my car, or fit comfortably in a seat at the movies/on a bus/wherever.

That’s just not the life *I* want for myself. And it’s not the example that I want to set for my daughter. That’s what it boils down to.


The view from my fitness cycle!

Kids pay attention, you know. I’m not the “do as I say not as I do” type of parent, I’m the “here, let mama show you whipper snappers how it’s done” type parent. Or at least I try to be. I enjoy being able to get up and run around with her. I like action! And I’m proud that my Mini has picked up on the fact that exercise is important…and now joins me for my work-outs. That is a blessing to me – and it lets me know that all is not lost. Not to mention, one surefire way to stay motivated myself.


*digressing in progress*

Speaking of motivation: I’ve felt out of sorts since the whole knee-thing took me out of my running shoes back in November. Glad to be back to moving this body…NOTHING motivates me more than having a chance to do a timed event..so now even more excited that I’m already lining up my athletic roster. I can’t over load my calendar with too many this year b/c I need to tread lightly where my knee is concerned, but I will still be getting in as many as my body will allow:

Up first will be the St. Charles Running Fest in April…Will check out the Run Drenched DC 5k in July…In August I’ll head back to Yankee Stadium for the Runyon Race for Cancer Research. Then, one of my good friends/avid supporters clued me in to the Diva Dash 5k that will be taking place in September on the date which happens to be my 3 year surgery anniversary! (For all my DC local DIVA’s…you should come with and join me on “…an adventurous women-only 5K run dotted with obstacles sure to challenge your agility, balance, strength and speed. Jump, climb, swing, and DASH your way to the finish line, but do it your way…”) And if my body hasn’t forsaken me by then, I’m DEFINITELY going to make that Marine Corps 10k this year.


Wow. That seems like a lot. I know. But when I look back at last year and see how much I got accomplished even with all the injury & health obstacles, I figured my efforts are not in vain. I may not have lost any weight, but I sure found my inner warrior athlete while, huh? And I d@mn sure know I couldn’t have even THOUGHT about doing any of this 3 years ago. So for that, I’m grateful!


((Now see?? Even when we feel like we aren’t making progress – sometimes all it takes is a look back from whence you came. I KNOW this journey isn’t easy. But its NECESSARY. Your (*my*) LIFE – and the QUALITY of it – DEPENDS on it!))



And just DO IT!!!


I know.

I know…I have digressed ALOT. As I normally do. But y’all are used to that by now, hopefully.

I just really wanted to get out everything that has been inside me. If it helps, encourages, motivates just ONE person, I’m happy. So please, bear with me. Just don’t forget that: your mind, body, and spirit all mesh and operate best best when all aligned. When one is out of whack, the rest start to suffer.

So as this new year creeps along, and as you are “getting [the rest of] your life in order” – finances, relationships, business, spirituality, whatever it may be – don’t put your health on the back-burner. It’s as important (if not MORE – gotta live to do everything else, right?) as anything else. But, it has to BE a priority… in order for it to BE a priority, feel me?


So again…what’s the hold up?

Time to take control. Summon the courage. Step out their on FAITH. and JUSTfriggenDOIT.

One day, One GOOD choice at a time.

Stay encouraged…

P.S. Continued thanks to my faithful followers that always check in on me and the continued words of encouragement! To the newbies – feel free to check out some of my inaugural blogs (circa Feb/Mar 2010) to see exactly where this journey began for me. Looking forward to making progress together!!!

Happy New You (hopefully)!

It’s been too long. I know. You wouldn’t believe everything that has happened since my last blog (unless you are connected to me on Facebook). I can’t even begin to break down every.single.thing… I’ll just give you the quick-n-dirty version, and fill in the blanks in subsequent blogs as necessary.
So, where were we?
Ah, yes: On August 12, I completed the Yankee Stadium Runyon 5k with out a hitch.  It was an emotional, but AMAZING day! My time wasn’t too bad either — given the fact that stairs & ramps were involved.  I was quite proud of myself. *pops collar*  My “official” time was about 50 minutes – AND that included an extra lap around the first concourse b/c I was some amped and didn’t follow the signs.  The new Yankee Stadium is AMAZING, BTW 😉


Little did I know what was coming down the pipe. (a little background: had not been feeling like myself for a few months, but just shook it off to stress. You may also remember me talking in the past about some pain associated with an “umbilical hernia” more on that…) 

At the very end of August, I was admitted to the ER (twice) for pain that felt like labor pains, backache, and heart attack happening all at one time. It was discovered that I had gall stones. LOTS of them. Which so happens to be a side effect of rapid weightloss for some people.  I ultimately had an emergency gallbladder removal surgery on Labor Day weekend, and was laid up for a month off work. That put a HUGE damper in my running. Even though done laparoscopically, it’s still a major surgery and the recovery is slow. Still dealing with that in part, now…

By Halloween weekend, I was finally on my feet again

and participated in the DC Glo Run 5k at National Harbor. My best 5k time yet!! 



Sometime between Halloween and mid November, I injured my knee – torn meniscus. I hadn’t been to the doc, but was in significant pain. But I was committed finishing the Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot for hunger – which would have been my 6th & final 5k of the year.  Image I pushed thru it, even in pain.  Not the smartest choice, for sure.  The day after, I went to Urgent care and it was confirmed that I had a meniscal tear and needed to be sidelined…AGAIN. I was cleared after I finally got an MRI. The tear is healing, the pain has subsided with the help of modern medicine and some physical therapy.

I look back at 2012 – and it was rough for a lot of reasons. It was also pretty damned AMAZING. I completed SIX 5k races. 6! Not only that, I learned what my body is truly capable of. I’m a runner at heart for sure.  And while I may not be the fastest – hearing twice that I couldn’t run was heart-breaking. THAT’s how I know I’m in it for the long haul.

I’m healing, and with a new year, comes new challenges. I’m slowly getting back to active fitness.  I’ve started Couch to 5k training again – FROM SCRATCH, under the care of an orthopaedist. The knee is feeling good! That also comes at a time I just started a DietBet Challenge (social dieting! *lol* Lose weight, have fun, win money! Check it out: http://dietbet.com/games/5522) to work really hard towards getting to my goal weight.

I’m actually pretty disgusted in myself in respect to that. Over 2 years out from my WLS, and I’m still at least 40# away. Yes, I know that there were alot of extenuating/contributing circumstances in the past 7-8 months for sure, but I’m not allowing myself any excuses.  I have to do this.  I HAVE TO!

All of that said – please consider yourself up to speed.  I PROMISE that I will do a better job of posting as I had been, but the latter half of 2012 totally did me in.  I’m glad to be back…

Thanks again to all of those who have been encouraging & supporting me along the way. I won’t disappoint you!!!

A little bit of Awesome!!

I don’t even really know where to start. This weekend was one for the books: A small dream fulfilled…and future dreams to build!

This past Saturday, I headed to Central Park. I’ve mentioned before how it has always been a dream of mine to run through this majestic park like I’ve scene people do in the movies. Well, I can mark that off of my bucket list! Proud to say that I conquered 5+ miles with no problem and loved every moment.

I met one of girlfriends at around 10am. I had been up since 6 that morn, in anticipation. It was crazy, really. Just soooooo excited to get out there. I hadn’t laced up my running shoes since my trip to urgent care deemed me “injured”. I was secretly wondering if I’d be able to handle it… But whether or not I could or would could only be determined if I got out there…

So I did. And it was amaaaaaaazingggggg.

I felt good, and daggone, if I didn’t look pretty good, too! I think I totally underestimated that fitness (and the pursuit of it) is pretty damn sexy! There were a few running groups out that morning – one of which was a group of decidedly fit, fine, and deliciously chocolately men-folk. Who – to my surprise – gave some encouragement by way of cat-calls, kudos, and double-takes. That only fueled my fire.

Around mile 5, thee ole hip started reminding me of my limitations, so I finished up shortly after. In tears. I can’t believe I did it! I was tired, yes. My hip hurt, yes. BUT… I felt so awesome!

When I got back to the house, I promptly showered and took my meds (naproxen & 2 Mortin 600’s)…I’m not gonna lie – my muscles were sore, and I felt like I had been hit by a truck, but it was manageable. After two weeks of nearly no physical activity – I expected as such. What I DIDN’T expect, was that when I got out there to run…that my body would remember what it was supposed to do. I was worried that all my months of training would have to be started from scratch – and I prepared myself for that, and even to walk most of the trail if need be. BUT, t’was not the case. At. All.

Not only did my body remember, but my heart remembered, too. Running is now a part of me. My passion. As much as making jewelry is (and those who know me & #GGX knows this is really saying something’)…and I’m thankful to be able to do it. Thankful that I set my mind to something, and watched it come to pass…

I know that it may seem like something so silly or small-minded. I mean, who really dreams about this kinda stuff?

ME. That’s who.

Now, it’d be easy for me to go all gung ho back at it and aggravate my hip sit-chee-Ay-shun, but I’m going to go slowly. Back to C25k training 3x a week. Slow & steady.

Next Up: the mud race (Rebel Race). Thought I have NO idea how I will fare… I’m not even worried about it. I’ll get some exercise and have a ball.

After reflecting on this weekend, I’ve realized. That what some folks have said is true! I AM awesome. *cheezin*

But just a LITTLE bit… 🙂

*editors note: writing this on the bus on my way back from NYC. Pls excuse the typos & jumbles. Just wanted to get my thoughts out while I had the time*










I might not have the body of a runner, but I have the heart of one!


Today, I completed my second “official” 5k race.


Yeah, I know in my last blog I said I wasn’t going to do it  Well, as it turns out,  I ended up having a very special “sponsor” .  Someone I’ve known for years…and had no idea was a 28 year survivor of brain cancer.  *sigh*  (that further confirmed what I know to be true: that CANCER is so much closer to us & those we love…than we may realize).  The reason detail is of importance is because the race I did today was the Race for Hope which is one of the largest fundraisers in the country benefiting the brain tumor community and the proceeds support National Brain Tumor Society and Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure.


That made it personal for me.  And coming off the heels of JUST losing a friend to [breast] cancer, just being a part of something bigger than myself – a midst survivors, and mourning-but-still-HOPEFUL friends & family – did my soul good today. It was a very emotional day for me.  not just for the obvious.

But because…




I mean, really.  ME. Running.


With OTHER runners. And notably, with people in far better shape than me. You know, the folks that LOOK athletic, and fit, and like they could do it with their eyes closed.  The ones that appear to have always been health conscious (though I don’t know their struggle, either.) The ones (some at least) that looked at me sideways when I took my place with the “runners” vs. the “walkers”. HMPH. *shrug*

I guess I don’t look fit.  But I am.


Moreso than I was a month ago. Or 6 months ago.  And improving on that every day.  I know there are lots of folks that have contacted me offline, or even publicly to speak on the inspiration thatI am.  That still eludes me most days, and I STILL have a problem with accepting that.  I just want to do WELL.  In life and in health.

I did it! 48 mins. 13.27 mile/minute average!

To be an example to my daughter. And also remind those that are struggling with their weight/loss/lack there-of  that you don’t have to look a certain way (ie: be a certain size/weight)…to work out.  You don’t have to run a 5k.  Hell, you don’t even have to run at all. Walk. Swim. Bike/Spin. SOMETHING to get that blood pumping.  You have to start SOMEWHERE. I had to start somewhere.  And for me, that somewhere was with deciding to do something about my health.  It was as simple as that.  Surgery or not… I started somewhere.

And now…I’m here.


 *sigh*  I had a whole different intent for this post, but I am still caught up in my feelings today.

I will just finish this out with a few images from my experience today.  I have some time to prepare for my next jaunt – the Semper Fi 5k.  In the mean time, I plan to relish the fact that I am making much progress.

And I’m proud of myself.  VERY proud.

2 [5k’s] down, 4 to go…


Wall of Hope – Remembering Loved-Ones Lost



Survivor Parade



I finished what I started 😉

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