Recipe: Protein PANCAKES! (and who doesn’t love PANCAKES?!?!)

download3Well, I have found another breakfast option that will help me stay on track, but also give me plenty of room for flavors/textures/layers. The PROTEIN PANCAKE!! It’s not totally “clean” due to the protein powder (and whatever else you may decide to add to it) – but it IS healthy! And that’s the goal…


I have been scouring The Interwebs for a quick & easy recipe since there are so many out there. Based on them, this is what I came up with for a BASE recipe:

  • 1 scoop of protein powder
  • 1 egg white
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 dollop (I’m guessing maybe a heaping TBSP) of GREEK yogart – I used plain, but for added flavor you can use flavored, though it will add calories
  • splash of milk (as needed to thin out batter, BUT batter will NOT be as thick as regular batter)

Today, I went with chocolate protein & a dash of cinnamon along with the other ingredients. I cooked with Pam cooking spray today, but next time, I’m going to try coconut oil. I finished them off with chopped pecans, diced strawberries, maple flavored organic agave nectar & fat-free whipped cream. DIVINE!!! (kid tested & approved, too!)


From here, there are endless possibilities & incarnations.  And though they aren’t as fluffy as regular pancakes, you can beef up the batter with one/more of the following – which I will be doing on the next batch. A little trial & error never hurt!

  • 2 TBSP whole wheat/almond/coconut/etc FLOUR
  • 2 TBSP rolled oats
  • 1/2 mashed banana
  • Flax/Chia seeds (ground)

Additionally, there is SO much you can do with the layers of flavor (in the batter and/or as a topping), too.  some examples that I plan to test are:

  • Flavored extracts
  • Fruit (dried/frozen/fresh fruit (NO SUGAR ADDED if possible!)
  • Dark chocolate chips (a few won’t hurt!)
  • Peanut butter (PB2 would be GREAT for this as it will add all the flavor and very few calories/fat)
  • 100% pure maple syrup
  • agave nectar
  • organic honey
  • flavored yogurt
  • nuts
  • applesauce
  • dried coconut

I’m already thinking about what I may like to try next: Maybe peanut butter & jelly (raisins)? Or Choco-coconut? Perhaps Peach-pecan? Even Peanut butter-banana? How about chocolate-mint?


Really beginning to love the possibilities.  I hope you do, too!!!

Something old? Something new!



I’m not really good with change.


I don’t embrace it as I should.



But along this journey, there have been LOTS of changes.  Especially where food is concerned. What, how much, and the type of food. Things that I love I not longer eat by the long ton. And things that I never used to eat are beginning to find a place in my daily meal plan.


Incorporating clean eating has not come without some challenges. Since I started the 1st DietBet challenge a few weeks ago, I’m glad to say that I’m at about 85% clean eating – and can definitely tell the difference in how I feel.  AND the scale has started to move. FINALLY. Not dramatically so – but on average, about a pound a week. And I’m ok with that.


It stands to reason that as I grow in health, I’m open to other food options that I may not have considered before. Vegetarian fare is not something I ever would have considered for myself.  I LOVE chicken. Even more than bread & pasta…and that’s saying ALOT. I can live without beef, and even pork (so long as there is turkey pepperoni on the market)  But not long ago, I was preparing dinner for my daughter – veggie pasta and green beans – and I was complaining because I didnt take out the chicken tenderloins to cook.  She said “that’s ok. I don’t have to eat meat every time”. Direct quote from my 4 year old. *SMH*  It was THAT moment that sparked the idea of having some vegetarian meals on heavy rotation.


Fast forward: I’ve always wanted to try “meatless” products (a’la Boca/Morningstar Farms/Quorn/Gardein and the like). In fact, I have had a couple of Boca “burgers” (Blackbean. Meh *shrug*). I wasn’t sold, though.  Then last week, my co-worker (a vegetarian) let me taste a piece of her meatless “chicken” patties.  I was FLOORED! It tasted like a chicken nugget! I was befuzzled… Could it be that I had been missing out on the opportunity to have a meatless meal 980acee8673711e2a4d822000a1f924b_7that I actually enjoyed?!?

That night, I hi-tailed it to the grocery store and decided to go with the Morningstar Farms Buffalo “wings”. Mannnnn LISTEN: I was not prepared for HOW GOOD those things tasted!!! Crispity. Crunchety. Spicy. Yummery-goodness. No qualms with the texture, either – much to my surprise.

I figured if I could somehow swap out my daughter’s regular chicken nuggets for some veggie “chik’n” nuggets (not the spicy ones of course, just regular ole nuggets), we may be on to something. To my delight – she didn’t bat an eye or miss a beat, or question them. She ate them with glee and even commented that they were the “best ever”.  How’s THAT for change?!

*side note: a few weeks ago I managed to dupe the finicky 4 year old with spaghetti squash and then the next week, with some shirataki “miracle noodles” (though I used a different name brand) to replace pasta. I’m still going to do the veggie pasta or 100% whole wheat  pasta on occasion, but I’m loving being able to replace some of the things we love with healthier versions*


spaghetti squash w/turkey sausage, spinach, & parm cheese!


shirataki noodles – low cal, low carb!









I guess all of that is to say – you never know what you like – or DON’T like – until you try it!  I know for sure that the ONLY way I’ll be able to keep on this journey and be successful, is to broaden my horizons & palette when it comes to different foods…so I’m not eating the same thing every day.


So……IF you are able to find products to help cut the fat/calories – without losing the taste, why not at least TRY it?

Some one in one of my fitness groups posted about powdered peanut butter (PB2*).  I thought “ick”.  But when I looked up the nutritional info, and did some calculations of how many calories/fat I’m consuming by adding natural peanut butter into my protein shakes and such, I figured I’d give it a try.  Again – PLEASANTLY SURPRISED! Now I can layer on the flavor without adding unecessary fat & calories. (*PB2 is ALL NATURAL, but not “clean”. The only ingredients are peanuts, salt, & sugar. The chocolate one has cocoa powder, of course)

I’m excited about all of the changes taking place.  And the BEST part, is that my daughter is paying attention. SHE is making better decisions (when given the opportunity) because she sees ME making them.  Case in point:  I had a super Proud Mommy moment this week. Mini asked for a snack-bag of chips like her uncle was eating. Without a thought, I said OK…because it’s notphoto(7) something she normally eats, or even asks for.  She returned from the pantry with some applesauce and says “I changed my mind, Mommy. I want to eat healthy like YOU” – THAT RIGHT THERE… MAKES IT ALL WORTH IT. The fact that she CHOSE FOR HERSELF the best possible option means I really am doing something right. Not just for me, but her too.

It’s never too late (or too early!) to grow your tastebuds in the name of health.

Give it a try.


Ready, Set, Eat…?

Howdy good people,

I know you may think I’ve fallen wayyyy off the wagon b/c I’ve been so quiet… But *tahdah* – I’m sitting tall & strong.

The reason for the online version of the food journal being M.I.A. For the last couple of weeks is because of time – work has been hella crazy (which is when I do 90% of my blogging *lol*) and home has been even crazier.

I also decided last weekend that this week was going to be one of food leisure. Not over indulgence, mind you, but eating what I wanted within reason since $h!t gets really real next week: the official Dr. Monitored weightloss program, nutritional counseling, and physical training begins, as well as some of the testing I have to go thru (sleep study is Monday). Which means I have to be on my A-game.

The good part? Its gonna be easy. I realized last week, that without a doubt – my relationship with food HAS changed. I’m aware of everything I put in my mouth, almost every bit nutritional data about said food, and I’m forcing myself to think about how “worth” something is to me before I put it in my mouth. Some things are soooooo worth it – like the choco cupcake from curbside cupcakes the other day. And other’s aren’t (like the 2nd vanilla cupcake I purchased at the same time, but decided to give it to a coworker instead of eat it myself 😉 )

I’m aware of how much juice I drink – which is very little these days. And any soda is diet. I opt for fruit as dessert most times, and love the fact that I have more energy as of late.

I’m pretty friggen proud of myself. I’m down maybe 2more lbs over the past week, so I’m doing something right. People are even beginning to notice. *grin* Best part is, I’m not denying myself…and I’m not starving. I’m just thinking about how my (food choices) affect the bottom line – to truly become the VANISHING vixen. Geeyonce is slowly revealing herself… *uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh*

Get outta my belly!

Seems like my post-revolt body didn’t take too kindly to the Nemo Patty I had for dinner last night. Dude, my system had NO problem trying to evict that joint & all its baggage. *whew* Then, today, with my “healthy” lunch (rice w/veggies & chix, yummy waldorf salad, cherry pepsi zero), I wanted a handful of my “favorite” UTZ Smokin Sweet potato chips. 5 chips in, I realized that wasn’t a good idea. *bubble guts* I guess that’s a good thing. My body is reminding me to stay focused, even when my cravings are saying “Might I have another, please?” *in my best Madonna/british accent*

Interesting how that works, huh?

Now, if I could just find a pair of full body swimming SPANX (complete w/a pair of Tina Turner legs – because even “reduced fat” cottage cheese is still too much for some to digest)…

A fatgirl can dream, can’t she??

Yummy Waldorf Salad

  • Apples (any kind you like)
  • Raisins, craisins, dried cherries…any type of dried fruit that tickles your fancy (i stick with raisins & crasins)
  • Greek Yogurt – Vanilla (greek yogurt is ALOT thicker than regular “runny” yogurt. More flavorful, too)
  • granola – your choice

chop the apples into cubes. How many is determined by how much salad you want to make. (I suggest only make enough to be eaten in a 24 hour time period. Fresher is better for this recipe). Throw in the fruit & yogurt and toss to coat. Top with granola before eating.

DELICIOUS. I could eat this every day and not get sick of it.

The Break Up

Today, my love affair with food ended. He has always been the one constant in my life.  And like any other relationship I’ve had, we’ll probably try to make it work a few more times, before it resonates in my spirit that… it. is. indeed. OVER. Not because I want it to be, but because it HAS to be. *sigh*What once consumed almost every thought & desire…will give way to a new, enlightened way of thinking, living, and being.

Health, is my NEW man. The lover of my soul and my future.

Gone will be the days of secretly spooning  in the bed with and entire bag of UTZ Sour Cream & Onion chips, or making out with my homegirl Lil’ Deb *holla*. I’ll have to pass on the cupcakeS, and be content with just one, on occasion – Not the 3 or 4 or 7 a week as I have done in the past.

And like any relationship when it ends, I have to look at myself in the mirror as a newly “single” woman, wipe away the tears, and acknowledge how difficult the road ahead would be without my tried & true Lover. Food has been there at the ready to comfort me through it all: the heartache, the heart break, disappointments, and even the times of celebration.  But now, I have to learn to put the relationship in it’s proper place: one of necessity, not over-indulgence… One of sustenance, not sabotage.

Of course, I still have to meet up with food – a more casual relationship of sorts. I just can no longer take it as my “one & only”. *sigh*

It’s been a long time coming. 15 years or more. It was inevitable. And no matter how I’ve tried to fight it, I knew that at some point in life I would have to choose.  I’ll take an infamous line from Samantha Jones here (Sex & The City, SHEESH!):

[Dear Food,]

“I love you…But I love ME more.” *xoxo*

Yours in Health & Fabulousness,


Fatty Girl Food Journal Day 3 (3/3/2010)

Yo! I ate soooooooooooooo good today! I’m full. and I feel good about my choices. When in doubt, I researched and/or looked at the serving size to make sure I wasn’t actin a foodie-fool.   Some days may be harder than others… Bur thus far – I’m confident I can keep this up! *woot* 

P.S. Tomorrow, I’ll start adding a big salad to either lunch or dinner. Then both…. Baby steps 😉 


  • Lowfat Strawberry Cereal Bar
  • Banana
  • Crystal Lite (Sunrise)

Lunch & Afternoon snack: 

  • Chicken Wrap (see “Favorite Eats” post)
  • Apple Sauce cup
  • Handful of  Hot & Spicy Cheeze-Its (serving size 25 crackers)
  • Little Debbie Oatmeal Pie (small)

Dinner & Evening Snack: 

Good Eatin!


  • BBQ chicken breast (thinly sliced, scallopini style. Grilled, then 1 TBLS BBQ sauce splashed in pan)
  • corn & pea mix (pre packaged, lowfat)
  • 1/2 baked potato w/cheddar & bacon (I FULLY intended to eat the entire thing, but I couldn’t *lol*. See previous post))
  • 1 ginourmous navel orange
  • 1 Low Fat/60 Calorie Fudge pop

Water intake: 40 oz (40oz more than yesterday!)

Quickie: Some foods aren’t as bad as you think

Case in point: part of my dinner tonight is a baked potato.

A baked potato, with a sprinkle of cheddar cheese topped w/bacon rates a B+. Not bad at all. *mouth watering* (

As a side note, one of my downfall’s is bacon. *LAWD* I love BACON! And thought I’d have to give it up completely. But not so. A 2 slice serving only has 80 calories and 7 grams of fat. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO worth it to me.

I just have to remind myself to eat the serving size, and not HALF the package!!

Little things like thing bring me joyyyyyyyyyyy!

Portion control is a B!t@h !!

Although I technically don’t start on the “Dr. observed diet” for another month, I figured I needed to be proactive so that my Big Girl stomach doesn’t go into shock.

As of yesterday, I started being mindful of control my portions – which for me is going to be the hardest. That, and pulling out my “sweet tooth” *smirk* Decreasing the fatty foods and increrasing the water will be a cake walk, in comparison.

I noticed yesterday I felt pretty full after eating. But this morning I was straight ravenous: hungry dan a mofo hostage. FOR REALLY REAL! *chewing on my hand*

Now, until my stomach begins shrinking on its own (which will undoubtedly take a few weeks), I need to figure out how to eat enough of the right foods to leave my appetite happy without obliterating what it is that I’m trying to do. I’m looking at adopting some good recipes & such, as well as food journaling. But I’d like to hear from the good people that have been successful. Particularly in the area of portion control.

What say you??

Phine, re-defined…



Take a good look. This is what Morbid Obesity looks like. 

Let me preface this by saying that at first I was going to keep it all a hush-hush big super secret squirrel secret. But I figured blogging would not only help me chronicle my journey, but serve as a sounding board. Of course I run the risk of opening myself up to criticism and negativity. But I figured…they talked about Jesus they’ll talk about me too. And what’s more is – I really don’t give a rat’s sweaty nads. *shrug* Let me just say this now: keep your negative commentary to yourself. I’m not entertaining it here. ( And miss me w/the bull$h!t while you’re at it.)

With that said… 

I’ve never had a problem with being full-figured. In fact, I’ve embraced it. It’s a part of the me that I’ve been proud to be. Even flaunted my curves. And its not like I’ve been starved for attention. Most…well, a lot (only basing on what I’ve been told) of men (women too) think that I’m (are you ready for this?) SEXY. I’m not bragging at all…but can you imagine? Me, at 298lbs…on a 5’3″ frame. What doctors frown at in disapproval. What some people in public look at in disgust…but yet others…desire. To this day. As recently as an hour ago. 



*smh kinda confused*  

Admittedly, I’ve thought the same thing for a long time. My self esteem has remained in its proper sometimes over-elevated place. The men folk (husband included) never seemed to have had a problem with it, so I never had a problem with it… 

Until now. I’m at my biggest ever. Almost 30lbs more than I weighed when I was 9 months pregnant (2 years ago). I’m uncomfortable. I don’t like what I see in the mirror any more. My feet hurt. My knees ache. (ironically enough, the VERY reason why working out has been such a chore – that aside from time: 9-5 job, jewelry biz, almost 2 year old daughter, and a hubby that works nights/weekends).  And now, my once high (sometimes too high) self esteem has taken a nosedive. So what to do?? 





I’ve done the diets, the shakes, the cleanses,  the “lifestyle change”, the pills, the work-out regimen, etc… Something has to be done. NOW.  So after about 6 months of mulling it over, I’ve opted to have the Lapband surgery. In fact, that’s the entire reason for this blog. My goal is 75-100lbs. Realistically, at 200lbs, I’ll still be +size…but ALOT better off than I am now. 

Know, I know what your thinking: “fat lazy ass is taking the easy way out” *insert eyeroll, huffing, headshaking here*. But is it really the easy way out? I somehow doubt it. And knowing 7 people personally who have had various type of weightloss surgery, and “easy” is the last thing that has been described: I’ve been told to expect a difficult emotional road of high highs & low lows, self-esteem issues about my new body (and the sagging skin that used to be filled out by fat, my newly deflated “orangutan tiddies” that are now  so round and full of life) along with adjusting to a new, healthier way of life. 

What, you thought it was gonna be all peaches & cream? Noooo.  I will be undergoing nutritional & fitness counseling, emotional counseling/support, and other various tests. Along with, again,  figuring out who I am after all of this is said and done. And of course, STAYING in shape after I get there, eating right, and being ever vigilant not to allow myself to come back to this place again. So if you think it’s the easy way out… well, you can kiss my ENTIRE fat ass as you kick rocks.  What may have worked for you or someone else, doesn’t work for everyone. So I’mdoing what I have to do. 



I’m making a decision to better my life, and thereby, my family’s life. I will learn healthier habits to pass on to my daughter and share with my husband, as well as actually be around a lot longer to see her grow up, and grow into the olden golden years with her daddy.  This vixen, is about to change her game up, for good. 

I have my physical exam and initial info session at the Bariatric Surgeon’s office on Monday. Then comes the consult to chart the path forward, counseling, etc. I will join the Million Pound Challlenge to help get me started on the right track. But that’s Monday – and it’s going to be a life-changing day. So this weekend, I’m gettin it in. *lol* I’m gonna eat what I want…probably for the last time (at least for a long time);
Celebrate my 35th bday (late, bc of all the snow) and celebrate in anticipation of a new life and a new, even sexier, healthier me… I’m excited. If I’m still considered sexy at a size 22/24…imagine what ill look like (back) in a size 16? I know one thing, y’all better watch out *uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh* G’yonce in the houssssse. 



I can only pray that by sharing this journey, it will garner some support & encouragement from friends, acquaintances, and strangers alike. But even if it doesn’t, it’s no skin off my teeth. I’m CERTAIN that my words will touch or encourage SOMEONE out there. 



Beauty can be found at ANY size. From a size 6 to 26. However, HEALTH cannot. And that’s all its about for me. Taking off some pounds to add some years to my life. 

Phine, re-defined… *sexy grin* 


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